Monday, June 18, 2007

Sunday, June 17, 2007 Happy Father’s Day! 9:00 am Covered area for Mass

Mass was at 9:00 this morning. It started at 9:20. It lasted until 11:30. I was standing the last half.

Fegins wanted me to sit next to him in the pew. So of course I did. However, when I got to the pew, and tried to sit down, my knees didn’t fit! The pews are mobile because the “church” is also the “spectac” and the “lunchroom” as well as whatever else they need it for. Anyway, whoever set the pews up wasn’t counting on me to sit there! Everyone in the row had to stand up and move it back about a foot so I could fit… Oh man, stupid over six foot blan.

After regular mass, was a presentation for the students that finished up the school year. The sixth grade teacher was presenting awards. Here is an example of an award, “This is Patrick. He doesn’t work that bad. Let’s all clap.” What? Can you imagine if I would have said that at an awards ceremony when I was teaching! Oh man!

After it was all over, Father Marc welcomed me in front of everyone. Everyone stood and sang a welcome song. It was really nice. I think he said my picture is going on the blog. That reminds me- the new website is up. Check it out! Aunt Dee helped get that going.

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