Thursday, January 28, 2010

Grand Boulage

hello Amanda,
Glad to hear that you are thinking a lot with us and searching aid for us too.
Exactly Amanda we have some members from my family from Port-au-Prince and exactly live in grand-Boulage now.I have my sisters,my brothers,cousins and aunt,uncles left Port-Au-Prince to live in Grand-Boulage.We have also some other people.They don't have really locations and food to subsist.We need exactly your help in this sense.Majority of people in the area are sleeping until now out.We have more than 500 houses break down in all area in Grand-Boulage we have about 55.
Thank you in advance for searching help for us.It is a big needs actually.
We don't have really food you know we don't have an employ a long time and now it is worst.
I can say about health every body is ok but mother is sick a long time.
God be with you Amanda.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

From Osny

Hello Paige, how are you doin'? the earthquake gavea lot of problems at Camp-perrin this morning. Houses falled down and 7 seven people are died. I had 3 cousuns at General Hospital, they send them to Bonne Fin this morning and I don't know what todo.And I am really shoryt of money. Cam transfert and Western Union are operating now. You are able now to transfert money to Haiti

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Phone Call

I just got off the phone with Wilson, and I can't stop crying. He didn't sound like himself- more like a zombie- and I can tell that this is deeply affecting him. Our connection was bad, so our conversation was short, but the content was important. He is in Les Cayes, and said things are bad. They have set up a tent city for those that migrated and have nothing. He said, "they literally have nothing." The point being- he wanted to make sure I was ok with the fact that he was going to use his salary and the money he has saved, to purchase charcoal and rice to give to the people in tent city so they can eat. He also said that his friends were giving all of their money to buy shirts for a few of the people inside the tent city. Right now, everyone in Haiti, whether they lived in PaP or not, has been affected by the earthquake. Right now, there is not one person who is safe, secure, or comfortable. Everyone has nothing. And yet, everyone is still giving. The solidarity and compassion the country has for one another is unbelievable. People are literally giving the shirts off their back to strangers. It was disheartening this morning when my little sister called to tell me that someone posted, "you are a trader to America." on her facebook wall after she encouraged people to donated at This is not about picking sides. This is not about one country or another. This is about the human race. This is about mankind. This is about saving lives, and helping a brother in need. I am so blessed, and so grateful for the friends I have. This last week I have heard from people I haven't connected with in years, and yet, they are supporting my cause, and helping the country I love. They are spreading the word, and giving what they can with a smile. For all of my friends, thank you. Thank you a million times over, and please, keep praying for our family in Haiti.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My friend Osny

Thank u in advance Ms Paige. A car went to Port-au-prince this morning and it had an accident and 5 of my family was on the car and they are killed. Thank you in advance. It seems I can stop crying

A Message from Les Cayes.

The big problem right now is fuel. There isn't any to purchase so we are hoping that the UN and the international community will come to the rescue. No fuel= no electricity. No fuel= no generator to run pumps. No fuel= no transportation. Nathalie is looking into cash transfers and it may be that one of us will have to travel to the states and mule in the cash as the banking system is gone.
We have a truck, a big truck, in PaP and we could transfer a bunch of people back here but we're waiitng to organize things a bit better and to see if fuel will be available.
It is chaotic but we'll manage. Keep praying.

Earthquake Victims.

To see victims that journeyed to Les Cayes, which is 140 miles away, please check Father Marc's blog.

This pictures are hard to look at. The stories even worse to hear. Please help by making a donation.

Friday, January 15, 2010

A note from Les Cayes.

Thank You Paige,
we will have to get back to you on this.
looks like schools may be closed for the rest of the year AND MAYBE part of 2011.
everything is off ----- upcoming elections, Marte Gra , etc.
the soccer field in town is being turned into tent city for many people are leaving PAP.
Jean Gary said "PAP is dead".
The Bishop of PAP and his staff were killed and every church came down.
The piers are damaged, containers are in the water, no cranes, etc.
I fear gangs will start to take over what is left and hamper and cleanup efforts.
My thinking --- move the capital to Cap Haitian.
oh well, Thanks again.

State of Emergency.

Times are getting tougher. I spoke with Wilson tonight, who is in Les Cayes. He said the roads have opened up from PaP to Les Cayes, and now there is an overflow of people in the city. The hospitals are overflowing and there is no medication to provide for them. An announcement has been put out for all Les Cayes residents to "not even bother" going to the hospital if they are sick or hurt. Priority right now is assisting the people from PaP. This effort is more than just providing people with water, food, and medicine. We have an entire country in a state of crisis. The children of Pwoje Espwa are scared. They don't want to sleep in their homes. They are afraid their houses will collapse. People still stuck in the rubble in PaP are sending text messages to family members in the United States begging them to call CNN and ask them to come find them. This is an emergency.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Just received this from the U.S. Embassy

Warden Message
U.S. Embassy, Port-au-Prince
January 14, 2010
Earthquake Recovery Guidance
The U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince has issued this message to advise American citizens in Haiti of earthquake recovery guidance in the aftermath of a powerful earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12. An earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale struck near Port Au Prince, followed by multiple aftershocks. The U.S. Embassy is working to ascertain the extent of the damage and check on the status of U.S. citizens around the island. The Department of State has ordered nonemergency U.S. government personnel to depart Haiti.
U.S. citizens in Haiti should remain in shelter. If exposed when an aftershock hits, take steps to avoid falling debris by getting to as open a space as possible, away from walls, windows, buildings and other structures. If indoors, take shelter under a heavy table or desk, or in a doorway. Avoid damaged buildings, and obey all instructions from local authorities. Do not use matches, lighters, candles or other flame in case of disrupted gas lines. Avoid downed power lines.
Evacuation flights have begun to depart the International Airport in Port-au-Prince. U.S. citizens wishing to depart Haiti should make their way to the airport during early daylight hours, in as safe a manner as possible. They are encouraged to carry their passport and identification, if available, and food, water and supplies, if possible, as facilities at the airport are limited to nonexistent.
If possible, U.S. citizens in Haiti should contact friends and relatives outside of Haiti to inform them of their welfare.
The U.S. Embassy in Port Au Prince has set up a task force at the Embassy which is taking calls as conditions permit. The Embassy is working to identify U.S. citizens in Haiti who need urgent assistance and to identify sources of emergency help.
U.S. citizens are urged to contact the Embassy via email at to request assistance. U.S. citizens in Haiti can call the Embassy's Consular Task Force at 509-2229-8942, 509-2229-8089, 509-2229-8322, or 509-2229-8672. The State Department has also created a task force to monitor the emergency. People in the United States or Canada with information or inquiries about U.S. citizens in Haiti may reach the Haiti Task Force at 888-407-4747. Outside of the United States and Canada, call 202-501-4444. For further information and updates, please see the State Department's Consular Affairs website.

From an orphanage director in Les Cayes

We are all Ok, thank you for your concern .we are not kill but very worry
I will come over the history of each girls later one.Please , just give me this week to response the urgence by evacuated patients, medical care ,shelters and else
stay in touch

From Port au Prince

A friend from Port au Prince:

I just wanted to let you guys know we found Unik's mom she is ok, she said the school 3rd floor collapse but all the kids had gone home already. We are waiting for all the road to clear to start doing headcounts

Thank you

From Les Cayes

The situation is desperate. We need to think of not only PaP, but the country as a whole. Everyone is desperate, the country is in crisis. Donate to help.

Hi Paige,
I have heard no news about them - which is good for we only get bad news. They may be like many others who have no way to communicate. If we get a minute we can drive over and check on them for you.
we have many emails from people asking us about various parishes, schools, friends, etc.
we would need an army to check on everyone. The road from PAP is cracked open
and not repaired, not even a motorcycle can get across. There were some stories that it had been fixed but that has not happened- yet. No road, no supplies, no fuel, etc.
Digicel is down but Viola is SOMETIMES working. After MANY tries, I spoke with Jean Gary in PAP. He and his family are OK.
AA is not flying for too many planes are here. there are many people trying to come through the Dominican Republic but are being held up on the border, The people here in Haiti are trying to get organized. There is no Official Govt Presence to lead the rescue efforts, so much for leadership,
take care
speak with you soon

Desperate plea from a friend, Osney.

Helo Paige,

I have ttwo brothers who are killed and 7 cousins and si cousins. Right now lots of tyhem are at the General Hospilta in les Cayes. I ask you pleasew to connect things for me, My real namme is Constant Phene Sony. If you want to send us somrething sernd it at Sogebank and i'll give you an account number.At the Sogebank, Right now Ms Paige i can't stop crying and I am really short of money. Help me another to help the othersa because most of them are really suffering at General Hospital in les cayes. Thank you in advance Ms Paige. my Phone number is

From Father Marc

This message is from Father Marc, and was sent out yesterday. Father Marc is in Les Cayes, 140 miles away from the point of impact.

from Father Marc: We are facing an increase in our population as orphaned children are identified and placed; food/fuel shortage until the road is repaired, more demands will be made of us as families request assistance...The capitol is in shambles. Government agencies have stopped working. Shipment of essential goods will be interrupted for an extended period of time. We are in crisis.

From my Friend Biondy.

The following is an email I received from my friend Biondy, minutes after the Earthquake hit on Tuesday. Biondy lives in Les Cayes, which is approximately 140 miles away.

New 1- Everyone in here was surprised by the Earthquake, cause it is the first time in their lives something happen like that, i was in Wilson's room writing something on Nesly's computer and i saw the wall is moving, i thought is was some one that's making bodybuilding with the wood that is on the roof, and i wasn't feel good Morin was there too, so we moved out together and we saw everybody were out before us and then i knew it was an Earthquake at 16:45:23. Is that happened in Arizona too ?

Haiti Earthquake.

Due to the recent events in Haiti, I have determined it appropriate to keep updating my blog. I am currently in Arizona, but have been locked in to all events taking place down in Haiti.

For now, I will keep all of you updated on all things Haiti, and the news I am hearing.

I will be posting e-mails received from friends in Haiti, links to places I feel best depict the current situation, and thoughts I have on what is going on in terms of relief.


Thank you.