Thursday, January 17, 2008

I don't know why...

Father Marc said he liked this picture when he saw it...

Maybe because it shows that sometimes Amanda and I actually do work?

It's not ALWAYS fun and games with the kids... just most of the time.


  1. Hi Amanda!!!
    Of course, you and Amanda work, Paige. All those nights you spent up on the roof gazing at the stars while Auntie Pat and I were there, were probably spent discussing how you were both going to continue making a difference in this world, as well as on the farm!! I believe in both of you and know you are touching so many lives with your presence alone. Keep up the good work. Don't work too hard!! Love you!!

  2. I can only say, Amen, to your mother's comments. We look to both of you for the vital presence you hold as well as wise decision making in the work you are doing. Bravo to Amanda and you!

  3. Hi Amanda,

    thought I'd best leave a note, are you sure you're not shopping on e-bay??? jk
