For Espwa children, school started last Monday, October 4th. For the rest of the country, school started yesterday due to heavy rains the past few weeks. For our students that are not Espwa residents, yesterday was their first day of school.
Mostly, the children were happy to be back in school. Mostly. This classroom is the first year preschool class. Walking in, I was immediately transported back to my preschool teaching days in college. (Remember those days, Mom?)
Half of the class was happily playing with blocks, chatting their jibberish little talk with one another, and the other half were hanging on the door, teachers, and chairs screaming their heads off.
"I want my Mommy!" "I want my house!" "Waaahh!"
By the end of the day, they were content with their lessons in song, play groups, and lunchtime.
Guess the first day of preschool is the same no matter what country.
Oh do I remember. I also remember my Paigey's first day of kindergarten. Let's just say it wasn't "a walk in the park". Love you. Thanks for the chuckle.